

Historyin work…passion…above all


1984. Gabriele Littamè founded Tessiltorre and committed himself to producing Jacquard fabrics. He made them for others at first, but he had a dream – to produce and sell tablecloths, sheets and bathroom linen, directly targeting the industrial, hotel and restaurant market.

In the late 1980s he achieved his objective. The dream, shared with his entire family, became reality, giving rise to a model of family enterprise where Gabriele’s determination and entrepreneurial skills were complemented by the talent and forward-thinking ability of his collaborators. Now these qualities have made us a point of reference for the entire sector. In all this time, though, our priority has never altered – to make every small, everyday action a special moment, through quality and imagination.

And the story goes on – after establishing ourselves in Italy, we’re now ready for the international market.


To be continued…


Every move, every action, every look can forge a relationship. Only excellence, though, can inspire a smile that comes from the heart.

Quality. That’s where everything begins, and we’ll never stop striving to attain it.

Quality is selecting the raw materials. Constant research into yarns. Experimentation. To offer uniqueness, innovation and originality. Always.

Made in Italy quality. The element that makes all the difference. Attention to detail. The ability to select and make best use of the excellence of our region’s resources. The ability to choose the finest raw materials – for us, that means Egyptian cotton.

Quality is relationships. With our client. A relationship based on mutual trust. The ideas it generates are a starting point that enables us to fulfil every requirement in the best possible way. We can personalise the product, responding to every request, even the most unusual.

Quality is promptness. The strengths that make us competitive at an extremely high level.

Reliability, attention to detail and striving for excellence.
To grow. Growing alongside our client.


ProductsIt’s good to know someone’s taking care of you.

Idea, development, manufacture. The three main stages of our production process.

Interpreting lthe needs of a market that’s constantly changing. Discovering very client’s individual requirements.

Deploying experience, creativity and technology.
Generating ideas, transforming them into unusual designs in new, exclusive
fabrics. Finally, production. Turning a shared project into reality. Sharing with the client. Everyone playing a part.

That’s how original solutions come into being. Models that set a trend. Unique products.

Like the spaces we at Tessiltorre clothe, like the clients we work with.

Tessuti jacquard. Belli. Resistenti. Pratici.


Jacquard fabrics. Beautiful. Hard-wearing. Practical. Thanks to: L’altra Botte, Legnano – Madreperla, Magenta – Zacchera Hotels, Lago Maggiore

TT LABExperiment to express yourself.

We want the best for our clients. And it is to them that we dedicate each of our creations - a product that reflects a lifestyle. That's the TT LAB philosophy. A laboratory where new solutions are constantly being developed, where every product becomes unique, unrepeatable and personalised. We're not afraid to face new challenges!


In an increasingly demanding market, Tessiltorre’s management is firmly convinced of the inspiring values of its corporate “mission”:

  • research and creativity;
  • product quality and innovation;
  • customer service;
  • safeguarding health and safety in the workplace.

The company makes suitable and sufficient resources available to achieve precise objectives aimed at preventing accidents, injuries, workplace safety and the continuous improvement of the services provided to customers and the remaining interested parties (Employees, Suppliers, Authorities, etc.).

Tessiltorre has consolidated the belief that quality and safety at work represent the basis for the creation of products and services capable of fully satisfying the implicit and explicit needs of our customers, has implemented the integrated management system following the analysis of the context in which it operates, assessed the expectations of the interested parties and analyzed the risks/opportunities that may jeopardize the achievement of the planned objectives in compliance with the following principles:

  • Meet compliance obligations, legal requirements and other requirements;
  • Understand the dangers associated with activities and evaluate the risks in advance, as far as technically possible, adopting solutions capable of preventing, or in any case minimizing, accidents and occupational diseases;
  • Raise awareness of all people who work for the company, or on its behalf, so that they are aware of the health and safety dangers associated with their activities, and undertake to operate in compliance with the procedures;
  • Increase our skills in fabrics while respecting a consolidated tradition;
  • Design and create fabrics that respond in terms of design, quality and technical characteristics to market demands and in compliance with the principles of sustainability (environmental, social and governance);
  • Collaborate and make agreements with suppliers aimed at optimizing the relationship in terms of times, costs and quality of supplies;
  • Establish and maintain an organizational structure in which responsibilities and tasks are clear, operational and aimed at the continuous improvement of the integrated management system, promoting consultation and participation of workers and their representatives;
  • Pursue corporate effectiveness and efficiency through the involvement and motivation of staff through information, training and specific professional updates.


Contact us: write or call, we will be happy to answer your questions or suggestions.

Tel. 0331 432466
Fax. 0331 430528

Via Giuseppe Verdi, 34, 20020 Dairago MI, Italia

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